The LOGO is composed of an "S" rotated 90° clockwise with a "T" embedded. Light and dark are intertwined, just like Gemini, implying flexible thinking, unrestrained, and endless curiosity about all-encompassing things in the outside world.
Inverted "S" with embedded ”T“
The aspect ratio of the LOGO uses the golden ratio. The width of the built-in "T" shape and the length of the interval are both one-fifth the length of the rectangle. While maintaining a simple design style, this LOGO includes the first letters of the Chinese name-"T" and "S".
Based Color RGB:(243,99,1)
Light Color RGB:(255,160,96)
Light Color 2 RGB:(255,135,53)
Drak Color RGB:(192,78,0)
Drak Color 2 RGB:(150,61,0)